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Please register by filling in the form below and clicking on the submit button. Registration deadline is June 8, 2015.

The conference fee covers food, drinks and conference material. There are two different amounts:
Student participants: € 25 
Postdocs and senior researchers: € 85

Additionally, on Tuesday you can participate in the social dinner. The menu has to be paid extra (€ 30 without drinks).

Registration form

International Conference "Prominence in Language"

Day fee

It is also possible to register for a single day (see below: Single day participation). The fee is then reduced to the following two amounts:
Student participants: € 10 per day 
Postdocs and senior researchers: € 30 per day

Please make sure to click the day you want to participate on. If it's Tuesday, please don't forget to choose dinner if you like to participate.

Registration form

International Conference "Prominence in Language"

Transaction information

You will receive an invoice via email specifying the transaction information 2-3 working days after completing the registration.
